Choosing a Perfect DISC Style Vacation

Most of us think DISC personality tests are all about work. We are more than likely to take the DISC Assessment in our work role, but how about using it to plan a DISC style vacation?

So, knowing what DISC is and how the various DISC personality types work is vital, but it can do more. Have you ever thought about how DISC can improve your life outside of work? You can use it to improve how you


Extended DISC Supports Focus Forward Fellowship

Recently, Extended DISC mentors participated in the Focus Forward Fellowship Program at Colorado State University. The program provides military-connected women with an opportunity to build skills and become better leaders.

Student Fellows go through an intensive program that focuses on finding peer support and developing new skills. In addition, these female veterans and military-connected women


Customizing Your License Plate to Your DISC Style

If you were to create a license plate that reflected your DISC style, what would it say?

When I was young I remember vividly telling my family, during a long car ride, what I wanted to drive when I grew up. I told them I wanted a black Jaguar. I also told them I wanted my license plates to say two different things. My front license plate would read 'SPDYGRL' and the second would read 'FAST1'. I


Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2017 SHRM Expo Is.....

The Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner from the 2017 SHRM Expo is....

Lauren Whaley of Retail Properties of America, Inc.! Lauren guessed the correct money jar amount of $1,080 at the 2017 SHRM Expo!


Team DISC Assessments at the Organizational Level Webinar: July 6th

In the 3rd installment of our Using Team Assessments webinar series learn how CEOs, leadership, owners, and organizations can use the DISC team tool to effectively manage their employees. Join us for Using Team DISC Assessments at the Organizational Level Webinar next Thursday, July 6th.

Using Team DISC Assessments at the Organizational Level Webinar Date and Time

Thursday, July 6, 2017 10:00 AM


The DISC Assessment Tool: What Can it Do for You?

The DISC Assessment Tool looks at your natural behavioral style in a variety of formats. How you use your DISC profile results is up to you.

Understanding who you are, what you can do, and what you have to offer is important, but there is more to the equation than that. You also need to know how to use all of that information in the way you work with others. That gives you the opportunity to find


Manager's Playbook: Using DISC Assessments

Every coach of a sports team has a playbook designed to guide his/her players to success. Wouldn't it be great if you had a Manager's Playbook for leading your team?

The team DISC Assessment is a widely used DISC tool. As the name implies, we often use it for working with teams. However, we are seeing more and more how managers can use team assessments to manage and develop their teams. We are


Your Father's DISC Personality Type

There isn't a better way to say 'I love you, Dad,' than by giving him an Extended DISC assessment so that he can learn his DISC personality type! Your father will gain a better understanding of himself, and even learn how to adjust his behavior with others!

Okay, so the beginning of this blog may have sounded like a cheesy ad to sell you a DISC assessment. I promise, this blog is not intended to


Join Extended DISC® at the SHRM 2017 Annual Conference & Expo in New Orleans June 18-21!

Extended DISC® will be at the SHRM 2017 Annual Conference & Expo at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans from June 18-21!

Extended DISC® offers customizable, online DISC assessments for leadership, sales, customer service, team and communication training. Our Unlimited Use DISC License allows you to use an unlimited number of assessments for a fixed fee. Our Public and Virtual


Insperity Blog: Self-Awareness and Understanding Others

The key for successful interactions, relationships and more is to enhance your self-awareness. The next step is to understand other individuals natural behaviors.

Extended DISC client, Insperity, shared a blog '4 mistakes managers make that can destroy trust'. The blog stresses the importance of self-awareness. Being aware of what you are doing in a situation can help you see issues from a
