Using DISC to Help Students Succeed

Most people think of the DISC model and the different DISC styles purely as a business tool. However, students can also find value in using DISC assessments.

Students need to learn skills to better communicate and interact with each other. It is essential for them to succeed in school, the working world, and beyond. DISC assessments can help them achieve success. DISC can help students to become


Selling Knives? Consider My DISC Buying Style First

Have you ever considered how people make decisions on when and if they will buy something? How can knowing someone's DISC buying style help you close a deal?

We all have preferred ways of doing things. Specifically, people have preferred ways of making decisions when it comes to buying something. Knowing someone's DISC buying style simply reminds you that you can better control the sales process


DISC Blind Spots: What Do You Mean I'm Insensitive?

Were you ever surprised to hear yourself called "insensitive" because that's not how you would've described yourself? At times, you may feel a disconnect between how you view yourself versus how others view you. Blind spots may stem from this gap in self-awareness.

How you view your behaviors is not always how others view them. When there's a gap between two different views it can cause


Sales: Gaining Competitive Advantages Using DISC

Sales, as a profession, can be very rewarding. But, it can also be stressful and it's not the right career choice for everyone. With that in mind, using DISC is an essential way to tell if sales is the right career path for you.

Anyone can succeed in a sales career with proper training. However, that doesn't mean all sales careers are suited for everyone. Some may be better suited or thrive more


The DISC Profiles Interviewing You for a Job

Being interviewed for a job is stressful. It is even more stressful when you go into a job interview without a clue as to who is interviewing you. Learning about the four DISC profiles before your job interview can help ease stress before the process.

Job interviews. We all dread them. It is never fun to have to try to prove your worth to another person for something you desperately want and


Why DISC Works in Today's Pop Culture World

Do we really know ourselves, despite being in a time of heightened self-awareness? Can DISC assessments work in a pop culture world?

We live in an era where advertisers target each of us as individuals. We have even come to expect information to be personalized and quick. Everyone expects solutions in real time. We want it delivered on a silver platter with a customized email. Is our sense of


Employee Feedback Using DISC Assessments

When it comes to helping employees understand where their strengths and weaknesses are, receiving employee feedback from their managers is crucial. DISC assessments can help facilitate the process.

Employee feedback can provide those workers with a lot of useful information about what they should continue doing going forward. It can also help employees focus on any areas where they really need to


Using DISC Profiles at the Organizational Level

How can CEOs and leadership use the DISC assessment tool to better manage their employees? 'Using DISC profiles at the Organizational Level' webinar is part 3 of our Using Team DISC Assessments series.

In part one of the series, we discussed how Team DISC Assessments can provide supportive information for teams to achieve success. The idea is to help people become more effective team members


HRCI/SHRM Recertification DISC Webinar: What is DISC? July 25th

Join our free HRCI/SHRM recertification approved webinar, "What is DISC?" The webinar is open to everyone.

HRCI/SHRM recertification approved webinar overview

If you haven't previously attended our What is DISC? webinar please join Extended DISC senior facilitators, Wilma Stephens and Christina Bowser, as they present a one hour introduction to DISC. Learn how you can bring DISC into your New


DISC Assessment Results: How You Act Under Pressure

When under pressure, your natural DISC style shines through your behaviors. You can use your DISC Assessment results to adapt your style to best suit pressure settings.

A person's DISC style is likely to show up when you are under pressure. Some may lose track of details. Some can snap at their peers when feeling stressed. When we feel strong emotions or pressure, we often become more of who we 
