Christina Bowser

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S-Style Profile Views Promises Differently

The S-style profile views promises differently than the other DISC profiles.

Do you know an S-style profile? Has someone ever mistaken your intention to do something as a promise? Have you ever had an interaction where you got in trouble for breaking a promise? Did you even think it was a promise?


Webinar: Can DISC Profiles Help You Sell Better? 03/29/2017

Sales people want to engage prospects and close deals.  Join our 30-minute webinar to learn how DISC profiles help you sell better.

Webinar Overview

DISC profiles can help us better understand our preferred ways to interact, but they do so much more. Markku Kauppinen, CEO of Extended DISC North America, and Christina Bowser, Senior DISC Facilitator discuss how DISC profiles help you sell better


Opposite DISC Personality Types Clash

Opposite DISC personality types can create challenging interactions.

Are you someone who lives and breaths superlatives, but your boss uses words like "fine" and "good"? As a DISC facilitator I often hear, from the people I train, how they can get so frustrated when receiving feedback. Typically, they find it comes from interacting with their opposite DISC personality types.


Are Millennials Really That Different?

Are Millennials really that different? How does knowing DISC tests and DISC profiles help in understanding them better?

The Millennial generation is a hot trending topic. Currently, they are the largest group in our workforce according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Yet, companies are still challenged with recruiting and retaining them. We point them out as being different from the


Understanding DISC Profiles Differently

Understanding DISC profiles can be challenging without DISC training. However, we can present different ways to explain them to make sure our clients have a clear understanding of their DISC profiles.

Understanding DISC profiles gives us information about our natural behavioral style. First and foremost, we need to recognize that we have all four DISC styles in us. What the Extended DISC


WEBINAR: Are Millennials Really Different? Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Why are millennials described as entitled and unmotivated? Are millennials really that different from the rest of us?

Next Extended DISC Webinar

Are Millennials Really Different?


Effective Communication in 4 Steps

Discover the 4 Steps to Effective Communication and why it's so effective in your DISC practice. Combining these 4 steps with DISC tools will enhance your ability to deliver DISC to your clients and employees.

Overview of the 4 Steps to Effective Communication

We build these 4 Steps to Effective Communication in our DISC reports, and training materials. Step 1 is to understand what D, I, S and


Extended DISC Original Money Jar Winner!

The winner of the Extended DISC Original Money Jar at Training 2017 Conference is ...


4 Steps to Effective Communication Overview Webinar

Learn a great way to present our 4 steps to effective communication into your DISC assessments and workshops.


4 Steps to Effective Communication Overview Webinar


Managing People Stuff and Catching Redfish

Managing people stuff is hard. I gave it my all as a new manager, but it wasn't working effectively. Then one day, I learned what could improve my performance.

Just another day in the office

Managing people stuff is hard. Some days I survived better than others as a new bank manager. This day was not one of them and life moved in slow motion. I was slumped at my desk with my office with door
