What Does Your Favorite Day of the Week Say About Your DISC Style?

19 Aug, 2024 / by Amy Lapinskie

A friend recently asked me what my favorite day of the week was. I gave it some thought and replied, "Sunday." She said, "Yeah, you have a Sunday vibe about you." 

Her question sparked my curiosity to connect a person's favorite day of the week to our DISC styles. Preferences oftentimes reflect key aspects of personalities. DISC styles define behavioral preferences that can offer a glimpse into how you approach life, work, and relationships. Let’s dive in and see what your favorite day says about you and your DISC style. 

What is DISC?

The Extended DISC model is a 2-axis, 4-quadrant model that divides behaviors into four primary styles: D-Style (Dominance), I-Style (Influence), S-Style (Steadiness), and C-Style (Conscientiousness). No style is better or worse. They are simply different. We are complex human beings and we have all 4 DISC styles within us. The tool measures what comes naturally and what takes you more energy. It measures your behavioral preferences; which is why your favorite day of the week might offer some insights into your DISC style.

Monday: The Go-Getter (D-Style)

If Monday is your favorite day of the week, you likely possess some D-style. You’re driven by challenges and love the thrill of starting a new week with fresh ambitions. You're results-oriented, direct, and enjoy taking charge. To you, Monday is the perfect day to set the tone for the rest of the week, tackle new projects, and push toward your goals. Mondays don’t intimidate you; they invigorate you.

D Style

Wednesday: The Optimist (I-Style)

If you find yourself gravitating toward Wednesday as your favorite day of the week, you might connect more with the I-style. Wednesday is often referred to as "hump day" because it marks the midpoint of the week. You see the middle of the week as an opportunity to rejuvenate—a time for brainstorming, collaboration, and social connections. You’re a people person, and you thrive on being around others and positivity. Wednesday represents a time to reconnect, inspire others, and share your infectious enthusiasm.

I-Style Modifications

Thursday: The Planner (C-Style)

Those of you who chose Thursday as your favorite day of the week often resonate with the C-style. You’re methodical, detail-oriented, and appreciate a week well-planned. By Thursday, you’re likely fine-tuning projects, wrapping up tasks, and ensuring everything is in order. You like structure and appreciate a well-organized life. Thursday is your time to review the week’s progress and prepare for a smooth transition into the weekend.

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Friday: The Diplomat (S-Style)

If Friday is your favorite day of the week, you probably connect with the S-style. You appreciate balance, consistency, and harmony. Friday indicates a blend of work and relaxation. It marks the end of a week, in which you made steady progress and the beginning of a restful weekend. You’re dependable, and supportive, and prefer to work at a steady pace. Friday is your reward for the progress you made in the week, and the opportunity to wind down and recharge.

s-style thumbnail

Sunday: The Reflective Soul (S-Style / C-Style)

If you picked Sunday as your favorite day, you might be a blend of both S and C styles. Sunday is often seen as a day of calm before the week begins. It's a day to reflect and prepare. You like the slower pace and the opportunity to plan for the week ahead. You want to make sure everything is in order. You may spend Sunday relaxing or organizing for the week to come. Either way, you appreciate the balance between rest and readiness.

What's Your Favorite Day Of The Week?

Whether you’re a Monday Go-Getter, a Wednesday Optimist, or a Sunday Reflective Soul, your choice could reflect your DISC style. Understanding DISC can help you leverage your strengths and interact more effectively with others who may have different styles. DISC is easy to understand and can be applied to life, work, and relationships.

Remember, your style can be related to any day of the week because at the end of the day it’s simply about preferences. As for me, my favorite day of the week really does tie into my DISC style. So, what’s your favorite day of the week, and what does it say about your DISC style? Use your sense of humor to tie the two together. 

Call us to learn more about Extended DISC assessments.

Topics: Blog, DISC, Strengths, DISC styles, Communication

Amy Lapinskie

Written by Amy Lapinskie