Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

14 Jan, 2021 / by Amy Lapinskie

Help! I'm overwhelmed!

Self-care messages seem to be everywhere: Avoid burnout with self-care. Five self care practices for every day. Twenty-five science backed self-care tips. I don't know about you, but I feel bombarded and more overwhelmed, versus feeling better.

I don't have time to fit 5 self-care practices into my daily life. There isn't enough time in my day as it is. How will I know if they will work or if they are just wasting my time? Why even bother with self-care?

A message from the airlines

We've all heard some variation of the oxygen mask rule when flying, right? The flight attendant says, “should the cabin lose pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead area. Please place the mask over your own mouth and nose before assisting others.” Have you ever wondered why you should put on your own mask before helping others? What if it's your child or elderly parent? Aren't you wanting to help them first?

Well, I know I used to wonder about these questions until one day I realized; if I were to lose oxygen, I would not be able to help the other person. That is why it is important to put my oxygen mask on first. We hear the message every time we fly; yet, we forgot the importance of taking care of ourselves first, and applying into our daily lives.

How-To-Use-Oxygen-Mask infographic

Self-care and DISC?

If you're anything like me, you think, "I'll take care of myself at the end of the day." Of course, the end of the day comes and goes without a single self-care practice completed. Why do we tend to put ourselves on the back burner? Why don't we put ourselves first? Why do we think everything else is more important than we are?

Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you. We are complex human beings with our own unique thoughts and experiences. However, Extended DISC® assessments can provide you with tailored suggestions for self-care, according to your DISC style.

Extended DISC Diamond DISC Styles Descriptors

Extended DISC® assessments are the only assessments in the world that can be fully tailored to your unique needs. The tips in the assessments are based on a person's Profile II, their natural style. They are not generic to D, I, S, and C styles; but instead, they are written based on the unique relationship the individual has with the 4 styles.

In order for you to see the tips, specific to your DISC style, you'll need to take the Extended DISC questionnaire. The process is easy! There are 24 descriptive lines and you need to choose the line that describes you the most and the line that describes you the least. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete, but it is challenging.

Self-care DISC style

Meanwhile, I can provide you with some generic tips to consider for your self-care. Remember, I don't want to overwhelm anyone. You don't have to work on each one right away or even every day. Find the one(s) easy to implement and provide you the most value. Think about the biggest bang for your buck, and remember, easy wins can be motivating!

  • Create a schedule that works best for you. Think about your DISC Style and tailor a schedule best suited for it. Take into account other factors that may be unique to your situation. Do you work best in the morning or evenings? Are you working from home? Are there other family members whose schedules you need to consider?
  • Wear the clothes that work best for you. You may have a dress code you need to follow at work, but other than that, different clothing works for different people. Find the clothes that make you most productive and comfortable.
  • Organize your work space. Find a work space that works best for you. Do you prefer a quiet and organized space? Or do you prefer to be around others? Or do you need a whiteboard to capture your big ideas? If you work from home, do you work better at the kitchen table or in the living room? Or do you require a separate space where you can “go to work”.
  • Schedule and tailor your breaks. Find the type of breaks that work best for you. Do you need breaks more or less often? Do you need shorter or longer breaks? Do you need to leave the work space or the whole building or will simply closing your eyes work?
  • Remember to eat. If the gas tank in your car were empty, you wouldn't get anywhere. Food is like petrol to your body. Find out what food makes you tired and what gives you energy.
  • Life outside work. Make sure you make time to enjoy things other than work. Even if you work from home, remember, home is still different from work. Identify places and things you enjoy to do away from work and do those things and go to those places when it is time to “leave the office”.
  • Engage other family members. Everyone plays a role and has a job in a family. Create an understanding with family members of when you need privacy to do your work and when they need your attention to stay away from work.
  • Get physical. Self-care is not a psychological thing alone, but also a physical responsibility. Staying fit keeps you going; you can work longer hours, you can concentrate better and you are more creative. Take time for walks, runs or whatever is the physical thing you like to do.

So, which of the above should you pay attention to first?

Self-care Katie Reed Quote InfographicIn the words of Katie Reed, "Self Care means giving the world the best of you instead of what is left of you."

At Extended DISC we are passionate about helping others be a version of their best self.


Topics: DISC Training, Success, Challenges, Development, Stress, DISC styles, DISC Profiles, Pressure, Communication, Capacity Assessments, Sports Assessments, DISC Teams, Leadership

Amy Lapinskie

Written by Amy Lapinskie