The Remote Worker Self-Study Workbook helps you create remote work settings and processes to support your strongest behavioral traits.

Many of you already know the power of DISC as a communication tool, but do you know the other 80% of what else it can do?

Have you ever noticed you “click” with some people; while others annoy you?
Why is it that some people irritate us and get under our skin, while other people don’t? I'm going to challenge you to think about it. Take a minute and look around you. Is there anyone in your work setting that irritates you? What is it specifically about that person that annoys you?
Gen Zs are entering the workforce. Are you prepared for this newest generation?
Is Gen Z Real?
We've all heard of millennials. But who is Gen Z? Well, Gen Z is the generation right after millennials. And, it may surprise you to know they have started entering the workforce. Data suggests that by 2020 this generation will outnumber the millennials. They will make up 40% of the working and
Happy Halloween! Here's a fun way to practice identifying DISC styles using our furry, four-legged, animal friends!
Halloween is upon us! We dress up to attend costume parties or hand out treats. Our kids transform into super heroes, witches, wizards, or pumpkins. Our whole family may join in, including our pooches. Let's look at DISC using our trick-or-treating pups!

Road trips can be a trip of a lifetime or an epic nightmare. How can DISC help tip it to the right side?
Some of you may remember seeing the movie, National Lampoon's Vacation. It follows the misadventures of the Griswold family as they take a cross-country road trip to Wally World. The Griswold family had an abundance of hilarious disasters and crazy predicaments. Of course, movie magic makes it

In 2010, Philips LISTENS, Inc. was established by Bob and Cynthia Chapman to bring Barry-Wehmiller’s powerful and proven Communication Skills Training at no charge to communities for thesole purpose of “improving the fabric of our society.” Eventually, asthe non-profit began establishing additional chapters, its name was changed to Our Community Listens.
Our Community