DISC and Esports

I went to the FNCS Global Championship Tournament last weekend. While watching, I started thinking about how DISC personality traits could affect these players. 


What Does Your Favorite Day of the Week Say About Your DISC Style?

A friend recently asked me what my favorite day of the week was. I gave it some thought and replied, "Sunday." She said, "Yeah, you have a Sunday vibe about you." 

Her question sparked my curiosity to connect a person's favorite day of the week to our DISC styles. Preferences oftentimes reflect key aspects of personalities. DISC styles define behavioral preferences that can offer a glimpse


C-styles Modifications Done Correctly

Knowing when to leverage a C-style's strengths and when to adapt their approach are keys to continued success.


S-Style Modifications for Your Team's Success

When should S-styles focus on their behavioral strengths and when should they adjust? How can small brief adjustments better the S-style's interaction?


Unlocking New Year Success with DISC

The New Year is your start or restart towards self-improvement, setting goals, and striving for personal growth. DISC supports your success by helping you understand yourself and others.


Unwrapping Your DISC Style through Gift-Wrapping

Sounds a bit random to focus on gift wrapping when discussing DISC, doesn't it? It's simply another reminder that DISC focuses on everything you do.


I-styles: Modifications for Success

How can small modifications help the I-style be more effective and successful in their interactions?


10 Benefits of DISC

DISC provides supportive feedback data to improve communication, teamwork, and leadership. It helps decode behavioral styles, manage conflicts, and foster personal growth. 


Harnessing the Strengths of the Reserved Leader

We may perceive different styles of leadership as better or worse. Is that a true statement? Let's talk about how DISC helps us understand leadership styles. Specifically, let's focus on reserved leaders.


D-styles: Modifying Your Style to Be Your Best

D-styles, as with other styles, have preferred ways of doing things. So, when should you focus on the strengths of your style and when should you adjust to be more effective?
