How Can DISC Prepare Your Workplace for Gen Z?


Gen Zs are entering the workforce. Are you prepared for this newest generation?

Is Gen Z Real?

We've all heard of millennials. But who is Gen Z? Well, Gen Z is the generation right after millennials. And, it may surprise you to know they have started entering the workforce. Data suggests that by 2020 this generation will outnumber the millennials. They will make up 40% of the working and

Why Does DISC Focus on Behaviors Versus Personality?

Man mood, behavior changes, swings. Collage young man expressing different emotions, showing facial expressions, feelings on colorful backgrounds. Human life perception, body language, gestures.

How often have you heard people interchange personality tests with behavioral assessments? Do you know the difference?

We've all heard people say they've taken a personality or DISC assessment, but is that what they really took? There are clear differences between behavioral assessments and personality tests that we should be able to explain to our clients.


Interpreting the Extended DISC® Diamond

DISC Diamond+4 Beh Dimensions

The Extended DISC® Diamond is a powerful behavioral map for analyzing and predicting how we prefer to do things.

What is the Extended DISC® Diamond?

The Extended DISC® Diamond is based on the Four Quadrant Model which identifies four behavioral traits, D-style, I-style, S-style, and C-style. Each of the different combinations of the 4 behavioral traits has a position on the Diamond. Although


Profiles: Describing the Relationship of the 4 DISC Styles

Extended DISC Profiles Sample

The Extended DISC® Profiles are easy to debrief, but there is even more understanding in the Profile graphs.
