Christina Bowser

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What Makes Extended DISC Different from DISC?

5 Report covers

Chances are you've been asked, "What makes Extended DISC different from other DISC tools?" They are not all the same. The distinction between the assessments is critical to getting the right information to actually improve communication skills.

As trainers, we get asked this question all the time. No one owns DISC or the theory, it's in the public domain. However, there are companies that have


Want to Improve your Communication as a Couple? Here's how DISC can Help.

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Are you the talkative partner who easily expresses your opinions or are you the supportive, quieter one who does not easily express your feelings? We all have preferred, comfortable ways of communicating with our partners. The DISC tool can help identify those preferred behaviors and help improve your couples communication.

Your ability to communicate affects how you interact with others, how


Do You Have the Right Leadership Style?


If you had a tool that could further enhance your ability to lead others, would you use it? The DISC Assessment tool can help identify your leadership style and predict how you prefer to lead.


We are More than Our DISC Profiles

According to the DISC theory you are classified as one of 4 DISC profiles. You may be the driven D-Style, the social I-Style, the steady S-Style, or the analytical C-Style. However, we are more complex and multi-dimensional than what a single DISC style can describe us as.


Re-framing Our View on Opposite DISC Styles

We tend to focus on the negatives when dealing with DISC styles opposite our own. Instead of focusing on what irritates us, how about re-framing and recognizing the positives those DISC profiles bring to our lives?

I think back to my first real job and my first boss. We started off awkwardly. I was inexperienced and nervous. She were a new business owner and stressed. We interacted politely and


DISC Assessments: Why Imagine Ourselves at Work?

Why do you need to imagine yourself at work when answering the DISC questions? I'm sure you'll recognize the most obvious reason; DISC assessments are most often workplace based.

However, does taking DISC Assessments while focused on your workplace directly impact your results? For example, what if I'm a college student taking the DISC assessment? Do I have to think of an imaginary workplace or


DISC Profiles: Food for Thought!

Recently, I traveled to Singapore to conduct a two-day DISC certification. I love doing DISC trainings and talking about DISC profiles, but add travel and food to the agenda and I'm in total heaven!

If you're wondering..."how can you relate DISC profiles to travelling and eating in Singapore," just bear with me and I'll explain.

I'm always looking for the best places to get a great meal. Hawker


DISC Communication Beyond Face-to-Face

People may assume DISC only applies to face-to-face interactions. However, that would exclude using DISC in written communications and phone interactions. Luckily, it's not true! DISC communication goes beyond face-to-face interaction.

Mastering DISC communication starts with a few basic steps. The key to DISC self-awareness and identifying DISC styles of others is to practice. Once you start


Finding DISC Test Resistance? Get Everyone Onboard

Use of the DISC test in your workplace can lead to better understanding and interactions between your team. However, you may encounter resistance and misunderstanding during the process.

Just hearing the term "test" in the DISC test can create anxiety and resistance in different people. Your team is made up a diverse group of personalities. Each of your employees have their own way of thinking


Does DISC Apply Across Cultures?

As a DISC trainer, I've been asked if DISC applies across different cultures. If so, how does it correlate to culture?

There is a link between DISC and cultures, but it may not be as clear as we think. Does where you live or your cultural background influence your DISC profile? Are the behaviors that we observe in all D-styles similar and recognizable? Is there any difference between a D-style in
