DISC is More Than a Communication Tool

Many of you already know the power of DISC as a communication tool, but do you know the other 80% of what else it can do?


How to Deliver Virtual DISC Training

The COVID-19 outbreak creates a critical need to consider other options for delivering DISC.


Dear Manager: What I Wish You'd Know About Me

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Do you ever wish you could tell your manager how they could better manage you? DISC helps you to do it.

Dear Manager,

Remember last week when we were both so frustrated discussing the issues with the project? Our conversation was anything but productive. I kept trying to tell you ways we could address the problems, but you just looked at me like I was speaking another language. On top of that, I


You're a D-style?! Hey, I'm a D-style too!

D-style and I-style at desk RESULTS

As a DISC trainer, people often tell me their DISC styles. So, why am I sometimes doubtful when they tell me they're a D-style?

Many of us, during our professional careers, have taken a behavioral assessment; oftentimes it's a DISC assessment. However, not all DISC assessments are the same. You should always ask yourself when reading your behavioral assessment report, 'can I trust the results?'


Identifying DISC Styles Virtually

DISC Styles and emails infographics

How often would you say your interactions occur face-to-face versus emails and phone calls?

Face-to-face communication has given way to other forms of daily interactions. Virtual communication refers to our interactions when they are not face-to-face. We commonly use webcams, voicemails, and emails to connect in our workplace and personal lives. Connecting virtually is a fact of today's


Taking the KISS Approach to DISC

DISC Workshop Key 4 points

You've likely heard of the KISS approach(Keep it Simple Stupid) to doing many things. While we're clearly NOT stupid, we can all benefit from a more straightforward approach to using DISC.


Using the Communication Strategy Reinforcement Workbook

Start Stop and Continue image

The Communication Strategy Reinforcement Report is a simple and practical way to improve interactions with a specific person.
