You will quickly think to yourself, “she is a D-style” or “he is an S-style.” Individuals with one predominant style are fairly easy to identify.
However, many individuals have a DISC-profile that has three DISC-styles above the so-called middle line. In other words, they are comfortable with three of the four styles. For example, a person could be a blend of ISC-styles, which makes it more challenging to pinpoint her primary style.
There is a simple solution to this challenge. Instead of focusing on what the person’s most natural DISC-style is, try instead to identify her least comfortable style. By paying attention to the behavioral traits a person does not demonstrate, you will receive clues about which behaviors are the most challenging for her.
More specifically, you may observe that the person is calm, modest and somewhat cautious. She may be hesitant in voicing her opinions. These types of traits are clear indicators the person’s D-style is the least comfortable of the four DISC behavioral styles. Remember, the D-style will often exhibit the opposite behaviors of this ISC-style individual. D-styles will tend to be active, assertive, risk-takers and not hesitant in voicing their opinions.
While the blended styles can be more difficult to identify, the good news is that as long as you avoid the behaviors of their least comfortable DISC-style, your interactions with them are significantly improved. Also, when you simply avoid the traits of one uncomfortable style, you have given yourself additional time to specifically identify their DISC-profiles and further increase your effectiveness in communicating. By shunning away from D-style behaviors when interacting with our ISC-style friend, you will improve your ability to interact with her. I, S and C behaviors are all fairly comfortable to her. Just remember to stay away from D behaviors!
So next time you meet someone, try to first identify who she isn't.