When our misguided views transition into strong biases, it can end up inhibiting our ability to interact well with others. These limiting beliefs end up clouding our judgment. We begin to view others in an overly positive or negative way. Our own behaviors take precedent because we have a personal tie to our own behavioral style. However, it can end up creating these biases towards others that may not be accurate and end up impeding our success.
One of the strengths of the DISC model is it carries no value judgment. We are not good, bad, better, or worse; we are simply different. DISC doesn't limit you in excelling in any aspect of life nor can it predict your success. In fact, everyone has all four DISC styles, the Assessment simply identifies the styles which are more comfortable, or natural, and the styles which take more energy, or not natural. For example, if you assume a person has to be a certain style to be a manager, then it's based on your value judgment and not DISC.
Task-focused D-styles are often thought of as competitive, but we may assume it's only about winning. Their results may sometimes align more with their individual goals, over the organizational ones. They have a strong desire to get things done.
We think of D-styles as being decisive, but it does not guarantee the decisions they make will be correct or best ones. It simply shows that D-styles are comfortable making decisions quickly, especially if there is a fast reward. However, this can lead to poor decisions when they do not factor alternatives. In a nod to the D-style, they tend not to dwell on wrong decisions since they're natural risk-takers.
We sometimes assume, because D-styles prefer to be 'large and in charge,' they'd make the best leaders. However, wanting 'to be in charge' does not guarantee they have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to be the best leader.
While many of us are 'glass half empty; and some of us are 'glass half full,' the I-style is the "glass overflowing!' However, their tendency to focus on the positives doesn't mean they are always happy. I-styles tend to exhibit strong emotional reactions; whether things are wonderful or when they are going horribly. They may try to hide negative emotions because they want people to view them positively.
S-styles are admired for their patience, but sometimes we assume they are a pushover because they are less likely to say 'no' to us. However, they can be extremely stubborn. They have what can be seen as having an emotional bank account; the largest of the four DISC styles. We all draw from their account, and while it may seem limitless, at some point it will fully deplete. When their emotional bank account is empty, they tend to shut down and it is hard to open that account back up. You may not even be aware you've reached your limit with them until it's too late!
S-styles appear to take longer to make decisions and are often uncomfortable if forced to make a decision quickly and without supporting information. We think their indecisiveness means they cannot decide, but that's not necessarily true. If we were to view the world from the eyes of the S-style, they are often considering how their decision would impact the people around them. In essence, they want decision-making to be a consensus and relevant to everyone.
Of all the styles, C-styles come to mind when we think of being analytical because they are more reserved and focused on details and data. One's intelligence does not directly correlate to being analytical.
We may describe C-styles as timid because they prefer not to engage in heated debates and are less likely to speak up, preferring to listen. However, it doesn't mean they won't talk. In fact, they can become extremely chatty if the discussion is about a topic they are interested in or have knowledge about.
C-styles are often seen as cooler and more reserved because their emotions and energies tend to remain below the surface. While they may not express emotions readily, it does not mean they are non-emotional. They feel emotions like anyone else, but they may not show them the same as other styles.
Self-awareness provides us with an opportunity to understand how our styles impact our views of others; how we tend to judge and assign traits to them. We need to continually assess and validate our present beliefs in order to prevent them from turning into misconceptions. We can actively minimize misconceptions by maintaining awareness of our behavioral style, actively identifying the style of others, and making the most effective adjustments to have a successful interaction.
So, the next time you're about to make a judgment about someone, stop and ask yourself, 'is it really true?'